Systems for Business to Get Your Time Back

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systems for business

If you own a business and you find yourself disorganized, surrounded by chaos, and feeling like the weight of the entire company rests on your shoulders, and yours alone, then this article is for you! Creating systems in business will organize the chaos and give you time back to spend on more important things.

Today in 5 minutes or less…

  • Why systems for business are important
  • How to implement systems for business
  • Action Items for Success

Why Systems for Business are Important

System (sistəm) n. A set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized framework or method

When I started my landscaping business in 2015 I filled all the roles. I was the salesperson, the laborer, and the office manager. My days were spent running to and fro and I was coming home exhausted (and probably a bit stinky) at the end of the day.

As a business owner you know how it is when you’re the person who answers the phones, schedules appointments, does customer service and executes all the work that makes the money.

I knew if I wanted to grow a business I had to implement systems so that I could hire people to help me and make sure all my customers are taken care of.

The answer to my problem was systems for my business.

Systems for business are the ultimate leveraging tool.

Having them in place allows you to build a business that’s a well oiled machine and it allows you to grow your business and your income while still having plenty of free time to pursue your passions.

How to Systemize Your Business

There’s more than one way to systemize your business, but I’m going to focus specifically on how I did it.

I used checklists and organized everything into Google Drive.

Create a separate checklist for every responsibility that every role has. Title them according to responsibilities.

If you reference another checklist within a checklist link them together with a hyperlink.

Here are some pro tips:

  • Have a master copy of everything that only you have access to
  • Create a user folder that you share with employees
  • Create deliverables for your employees so you can hold them accountable
  • Meet with your team one-on-one weekly and talk about what they want to talk about
  • Update the database annually

I understand this sounds like a lot of work, because it is. But it’s the way to grow wealth and have time to enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

Let me tell you the benefits of taking the time to build systems up front:

  • Training new employees is exponentially easier
  • Clarity in job roles empowers employees to perform their best
  • Allows you as the business owner to step out of the day to day operations and spend your time how you want

Systems let you own your business so it doesn’t own you.

Actions for Success

1. Clearly identify all roles in your business

2. Write accurate job descriptions

3. Create easy to follow checklists

4. Have employees test your checklists

5. Monitor the results 

Thanks so much for reading this and joining me on your journey to business success! If you haven’t already, sign up for the Entrepreneur’s Edge newsletter to get firsthand stories, expert advice, and tips to help you have a business that runs like a well oiled machine!


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